Monday, August 20, 2012

How To Beat The Back-to-School Blues (Tips For Parents of New College Students)

Back-to-school time can be full of emotions for all parents.  When your kids are very young, there is the excitement and anxiety of sending them off to Kindergarten for that very first time.  Then there is the excitement and anxiety of discovering they are old enough to be embarrassed by you and claim they don’t need you anymore as they start middle and high school.
And then one day, when you watch your precious child (who only yesterday was waving goodbye at the door of first grade) walking across the stage to receive a high school diploma, there is excitement about the future and what it holds – but sure enough, the anxiety is there, maybe stronger than it has ever been before.
Back-to-school is always a time that reminds parents of change, of time going by, of children growing up.  And that can bring out emotions and feelings you might not have been counting on.
How you channel your feelings and emotions is important for your mental, spiritual, and physical health.
Here are some ideas to help you deal with the back-to-school blues when you send your surely-not-old-enough-to-be-going child off to college.
Tips for Coping:
  • Focus on right now.  Stop looking too far into the future.  Enjoy the things happening right now so you don’t miss won