Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I’m So Disappointed… You’ve Cheated On Me Signed, Your Weekend Diet

Ah, the weekend.  Two glorious days (possibly a few hours more if you begin weekend observance on Friday afternoon!) where you are free to be the relaxed version of you. 

That is great when it means relaxing and enjoying life with time spent among friends and family, fun hikes, family walks, a long bike ride.  Not so great?  When it also relaxes your commitment to healthy eating!

We’ve all been there.  We think, “what the heck?  Weekend!” and proceed to eat several days worth of less-than-healthy to downright junk.  Then comes the guilt, and probably the sluggish Ick Factor feeling too.  Stop the madness!

Why are weekends such a temptation?  There are a number of reasons, some of the biggest include:

·      Lack of Structure: Weekends are generally less structured and change from one weekend to the next, often with loosely planned events or one-time things.
·      More Entertaining: backyard barbeques, eating out at restaurants, date nights, family gatherings, kids birthday parties (and cake)… so many things include food.
·      Mentality: We think of weekends as being fun and relaxing, and too often, we associate that with freedom to eat anything that makes us feel fun and relaxed… but we have the wrong foods on that list!

So what can you do to fight this situation?  How do you reclaim your healthy eating on the weekends? 

I have some ideas (you knew that I would!)

·      Remember that “Healthy Eating” is not a punishment!  There are so many great foods that are delicious and healthy… why would anyone think that rosemary grilled chicken breast with some grilled onions, red peppers and zucchini served over ½ cup of whole wheat couscous is a horrible fate?

Not only is it not a punishment, you will feel so fulfilled eating healthy, balanced and satisfying foods and will probably have a sunnier, more energetic outlook to enjoy your weekend!

·      Have a Weekend Recipes File of healthy menu ideas:
·      Things that are a little more special, maybe take a little more prep and shopping time than you have during the week. 
·      Include new, never tried but sound great recipes and be adventurous.
·      Include old favorites, and things that incorporate something social like grilling during the warmer months or comforting like a crock-pot during the chilly months.
·      Just go to the Farmer’s Market or local organic store (like a Whole Foods if you have one or something similar, or just the organic meat and produce section of your own store) and let the freshest, most beautiful ingredients inspire you!

·      Have some Weekend Food Rules you follow, whatever is right for you:
a.     Make them specific enough to really guide you and become habit.
b.     Allow yourself one blow it all treat once a week so you don’t feel deprived (things in moderation are usually not evil!) and weekends can make an excellent time for that treat (that ONE treat!)
c.      For dining out, know in advance the type of places that serve more healthy items, or how to order from any menu and get a better balance – salad dressings on the side, steamed veggies instead of fries, etc.

·      Don’t skip meals!  You have to treat your body right, and eating regular meals keeps your blood sugar stable and your metabolism firing!  Weekends with their odd schedules can sometimes leave you too hungry and making poor choices.

·      Exercise!  It will help you feel great, and if you choose to have your once a week treat on the weekends, you can know you are still following all your other healthy habits. 

·      Plan for special events.  If you know you’ll be eating things not on your healthy plan (gasp, it does happen) then plan for it with some SUPER healthy meals in between or all week long to create a little more balance.  It isn’t ideal to do trade offs regularly, but there are actually people who are very strict six days a week and pick the seventh to just eat whatever crosses their path and really believe it helps them.  Not everyone has the willpower though – one day of “whatever” eating becomes two, then three… then trouble!

Relax, enjoy your weekend, and embrace the beautiful, healthy foods that also wear the labels of scrumptious and fun!

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

5 Signs You May Be a Control Freak

If all your relationships fail, who is at blame? Is it always the other person? Did they have trouble following even the smallest of your instructions? Perhaps they did not appreciate your suggestions at how they could be better at just…everything. If this sounds familiar, maybe it wasn’t them. Maybe the problem at hand is you. Although it might be a hard concept to grasp, maybe you are just a bit too controlling.
Signs that You Might be a Control Freak
Adult control freaks are like schoolyard bullies, just all grown up. You know exactly who these people are, and we it seems that we all have at least one of these people who always know how to push our buttons. They act as if they’re the only one who can complete the tasks correctly, and act as if it would hurt them to share a job. Then once the job is over, they almost always complain about the fact that they didn’t have any help.
Is this person you? Do you feel that you are always making decisions and working your tail off to please everyone? Maybe you don’t always make the decisions, but you regret it in the end because everyone else’s ideas just aren’t as good as yours. Instead of just making the decision yourself, you drop hints at what you think should be done, knowing that if someone would just pick up on it, then your idea will be used.
The Control Freak Toolbox
Control freaks are masters of manipulation, especially control freaks in relationships. They are used to getting what they want, either by making decisions for large groups of people or simply manipulating the situation into their favor. Even celebrities aren’t immune from it. Victoria Beckham once admitted, “I am a control freak. I am very hands on and pay attention to details.” These are some of the tools they use are:
  • Guilt. Control freaks will bring up past experiences where things ended up horribly, especially if it was your fault. You’ll be sure to make the right decision the next time, especially on their watch.  A sign that you’re dating a control freak could definitely be the feeling of constant grief over one event.
  • Exaggeration. They will make things so much worse than they really are, just so people take pity on them and they can get whatever they please.
  • Belittling. Control freaks are very good at making you feel very small and horrible about you. With you out of the way, they have more of a chance at getting what they want accomplished.
  • Passive-Aggressive. Control freaks have an uncanny way of pushing an event that goes awry back on you. When confronted, something along the lines of, “Well, I thought that so and so really wanted to do this” will come out of their mouth, turning it all back onto you.
  • Empty threats. They will hold things over your head, and threaten to use them if things don’t go their way. Chances are that they won’t ever do it, but they will get their way.
Admitting and Overcoming Your Control Freak Status
Nobody likes to admit that they’re a control freak. Frankly, it can be quite embarrassing for someone to admit something that many people see as a flaw, especially for people that are obsessed with everything going perfectly, and going their own way in particular. Once you admit your control freak tendencies, then you can take steps to work towards accepting that perfection doesn’t equal self-worth. You’ll find that stepping back improves your relationships with others, and while not everyone’s ideas are as good as yours, trying new things can be fun. Who knows, you might even like it!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Take a Walk… It Does a Body Good! Walking for Daily Exercise Has Numerous Health Benefits!

For most of us, no matter what our fitness level, walking is very possible.  And the really great news is that walking can reap just as many overall health benefits as more intense workouts like jogging – with less impact, and less risk for injury! 

8 Things A Daily Walk Can Do To Help Your Health:

1.     Lower LDL Cholesterol – that’s the “bad” kind you don’t want!
2.     Raise HDL Cholesterol – that’s the “good” kind you do want!
3.     Reduce your risk of developing Type II Diabetes, or help you manage it if you already have it.  A balanced diet and regular exercise like walking might free you from medication!
4.     Lower your blood pressure.
5.     Reduce your stress levels, and improve your brainpower and mood!
6.     Control your current weight, or lose excess weight – and increase your metabolism in either case.
7.     Increase your overall fitness, flexibility, strength, and stamina.
8.     Significantly reduce health risks like stroke, heart attack, even cancer.

Regular walking at a fairly brisk pace can reduce your risk for heart attacks just as much as regular jogging can.  And with walking?  No need for the “no pain, no gain” mantra.  You can benefit without the need for sore, tired, aching muscles after each workout.

All it takes is 30-60 minutes a day of brisk walking to reap so many health benefits. Use the time to listen to music or books, watch your favorite TV show if you are on a treadmill, enjoy nature, or just be alone with the quite of your own thoughts in a world too full of all kinds of noise.

If you are new to exercise, you should consult a doctor before beginning a regular routine of any type, even something as gentle as walking.  Here are some tips to remember when you use walking as a wonderful way to exercise every day!

Tips for Daily Walking

·      Start slow and increase pace and distance.  You can start out taking several shorter, less intense walks and build up to one longer, brisk walk each day. 
·      Vary your pace, working to keep your heart rate in the target zone best for you.  You can manually check it using your pulse and a watch, or wear a heart rate monitor.  Remember that hills and variety in terrain will increase difficulty and increase your heart rate.
·      Wear great shoes!  No, not flashy going out dancing kind of great – great shoes for walking.  You can purchase shoes specifically designed for walking, or just shoes that offer excellent support, flexibility in the soles, and that fit well to keep your feet happy, healthy, blister-free, and walking briskly!
·      Dress the part.  Wear comfortable clothing that will breathe well and wick away moisture.  Make sure you are dressed for the environment, inside or out.
·      Warm up, cool down, and stretch.  Walking is exercise and as such you need to do a proper warm up and some stretching before you start.  When you are finished walking, do a cool down and more stretching.  The longer and more intense your walking workout, the more you need the cool down and stretching.

Now get going – those feet were made for walking, let them do their thing and walk you right into a healthier, happier, and more fit you!

Visit our website for more information about natural and safe dietary supplements: All Natural Detox Solutions
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Friday, October 5, 2012

Simple versus Complex – How to Know Which Carbs to Avoid

Whether you’re eating at home or eating in your favorite dining establishment, knowing which foods have the best carbs for your body can be more difficult than figuring out whether to leave 18% or 20% for a tip. At home you’re able to fix as much food as you’d like, even if you’re the only person there to eat it. And when looking at a menu of food that someone else will prepare, everything looks so delicious – especially if you’re hungry – that carbs might be the last thing on your mind. However, not all carbs are bad.
The Difference between Good Carbs and Bad Carbs
There are two different types of carbohydrates; good carbs and bad carbs. Complex carbohydrates are the good carbs that you want in your diet.  The good carbs provide you with the energy that you need to make it through the day. Complex carbs are better for you because they take longer to break down, and last longer providing more energy. Meanwhile, simple carbs have been named the bad carbohydrates. Simple carbs are the opposite of complex ones in almost all aspects. For example, it takes little for your body to break them down, and they provide normally no nutritional value.
The Importance of Having Some Carbs in Your DietWithout carbohydrates, you cannot make it throughout the day. Carbohydrates provide your body with the energy that is necessary for you to push through from morning until bedtime. Because complex carbs take longer for the body to break down, you’re provided with a steady amount of energy over a longer period of time. As you’re body breaks the carbohydrate down, it will release into the energy that you need. Certain foods are good for this and will provide you with that necessary energy. These foods include:
  • Anything high in fiber. Fiber is filling, and just all around good for your body.
  • Whole grain bread. White bread is not your friends, stick to whole grain for the complex carbohydrates.
  • Any type of legume. They’re a major source of protein as well as complex carbs.
  • Fruits and veggies! They’re not just for little kids’ health. They are truly wonderful for everyone.
  • Whole grain rice and when it comes to breakfast, whole grain cereal is a great way to start the day off right.

Just Say No to These Unhealthy Carbs

Everyone has foods that they crave, and some popular cravings include some of the worst simple carbs that we can put into our bodies. If you’re not sure which carbs those might be, here are some of the popular ones. This may be able to help you decide whether you’re craving something that isn’t exactly the best for your body.
  • Soda. It’s bad for your teeth, has too much sugar, and is a simple carbohydrate. There is just so much about soda that is not good for you at all, yet it is so addictive.
  • Candy. Even if it has nuts in it, it’s still filled with sugar and it still is a candy bar that doesn’t like to provide you with enough energy to make it throughout the day. What it does give you is a sugar rush that causes you to crash not long afterwards.
  • Potatoes. Yes, they are a starch which is generally a complex carbs. However, your body treats them like a simple carbohydrate, especially if they are white. Ironically enough, if you must add potatoes to your diet, select the sweet variety.
  • Deserts, pastries, cake, brownies, the whole nine yards. You know what I’m talking about. Portal, a popular video game, uses a catchphrase that “The cake is a lie” and they aren’t kidding. Desserts have next to no nutritional value whatsoever. Sure they look good, but you probably feel the guilt not much long after – not to mention a painful sugar crash.

The Throwdown on Carbs from Chef Bobby Flay

If you suspect that those delicious foods that you crave most often are in fact types of simple carbs, then don’t fret it. The longer you try to put it off, the less strength you will have in pushing them out of your diet. However, there’s no need to kick them out completely. Chef Bobby Flay offers the advice that, “For me, it’s all about moderation. I don’t kick things out of my diet, like carbs. But I’m not going to eat fast food.”
Take his advice. Eat what you want, but eat it in moderation. Don’t pig out, but have the serving size or under. If fast food is what you crave, then cut back to once a month at first, and then even less as time goes on. After a while, your taste buds will most likely change, and you you’ll find you don’t care for it at all! And if not, then the opportunity to have it will be a special thing that you’ll enjoy much more due to having it less often.

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